Joshi City Website Update

A whole lot has changed since my last “update” column. I didn’t get to do most of the things I discussed a few months ago because soon after I posted that I got a new job in a new city, which took up a lot of my time. The new job is great, but it doesn’t allow as much opportunity to watch wrestling and update the website as my old job, which is why updates have slowed. Still, I have gotten into a better rhythm the last few weeks, so updates should pick back up again. Here are some recent updates as well as my plans for the next month or so:
- Major Wrestler Profile Overhaul! As I was reviewing events, I realized more and more often I was discussing wrestlers that I couldn’t link to their profile for more details as they did not have a profile on the website. To help fix that, I have added over 40 wrestler profiles to the website! The Inactive/Retired sections aren’t done yet, but everyone currently active should now have a wrestler profile. Soon I will start working on updating title histories, etc. but the goal last week was just to get all the new profiles finished. Here are the wrestlers added:
- Gatoh Move – Aasa Maika and Mitsuru Konno
- Tokyo Joshi Pro – Azusa Takigawa, Itoh Maki, Maho Kurone, Mil Clown, Nodoka-oneesan, Rika Tatsumi, and Yuu
- Actress girl’Z – Inko Haku, Miyuki Takase, Mizuka Arai, Nao Kakuta, Noa Igarashi, Syoko Sekiguchi, and Tam Nakano
- PURE-J – Ibis Sera and RiNO
- Marvelous – Mika Tanaka
- Stardom – Hanan
- Ice Ribbon – Hana DATE, Karen DATE, Nao DATE, Nori DATE, and Totoro Satsuki
- REINA – Hirori, Kasumi, and Mari Sakamoto
- Gaijin Invaders (NEW SECTION!) – Big Bang Nicole, Candice LeRae, Christi Jaynes, Deonna Purrazzo, Hetzza, Jessicka Havok, Kay Lee Ray, La Rosa Negra, Laura James, Nixon Newell, Nyla Rose, Shayna Baszler, Tessa Blanchard, Viper, and Zoe Lucas
- New Matches Added! As always, I like to remind people about the “Recommended Matches” list at the top of the page. I particularly want to recommend Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Meiko Satomura in Sendai Girls’ and Io Shirai vs. Kairi Hojo in Stardom, great matches.
- GAEA Roster/Reviews Coming Soon. On Twitter last week, I did a poll asking which older defunct promotion people were most interested in reading more about. GAEA easily won, so I will try to start working on their roster this week with the goal of beginning reviews next week. They won’t be as frequent as current reviews of course, but I’ll try to do a couple GAEA reviews a month as they were a high-end promotion with a lot of big time matches.
To know when updates are posted (plus for Joshi GIFs and food pictures), you can follow me on Twitter @JoshiPuro.
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