Utami Hayashishita “Luxury” Stardom Photobook Review
In 2021, Utami Hayashishita cemented herself as one of the top wrestlers in Stardom, with a long title reign and a new air of confidence. To celebrate her successes, Utami received her first solo photobook since the MyStar series in September of 2021. You can read reviews for more magazine and photobooks on the Joshi Photobook Reviews page.
Full Details
Title: Utami Hayashishita “Luxury”
Release: September 2021
Size: A4
Pages: 52
Cost: ¥3,000
Where to Buy: Stardom Online Shop and Third Party Vendors
Currently in Stardom, Utami Hayashishita leads the Queen’s Quest faction and spent the bulk of 2021 as the World of Stardom Champion. At only 23 years old, she is one of the top female wrestlers in the world, recognized by both fans and wrestling critics alike as one of the best on the current scene. As is generally the case with Stardom, Utami Hayashishita is not only great in-ring but she takes an active part in their photobooks as well, as she gets her second “solo” photobook release since joining the promotion in 2018 with Luxury.
Unlike Utami’s last photobook, which was part of the MyStar series, Luxury is a full-sized photobook and clocks in at over 50 pages. The additional pages allow for a more varied photobook this time, with many different locations and outfit changes. Luxury definitely leans more into the ‘gravure’ side of modeling, with Utami posing in a range of lingerie. Unlike Bikiniing, which is a more narrow focused and includes the bulk of the Stardom roster, the solo photobooks allow for a more diverse photospread and are the better option for fans of a specific Stardom wrestler. Fans of Utami and Stardom photobooks will want to find this one, however Joshi fans that do not enjoy the more risqué photobooks should probably skip Luxury. Here are a sample of pictures from the photobook:
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