This Week in Stardom: May 1st, 2017 Edition
Welcome to the latest edition of This Week in Stardom, where I talk about recent events in everyone’s favorite Joshi promotion. Just one complete show this week, but it was a big one as the annual Cinderella Tournament took place!
Current Champions:
- World of Stardom Championship – Io Shirai (495 days)
- Wonder of Stardom Championship – Kairi Hojo (351 days)
- SWA World Championship – Toni Storm (281 days)
- High Speed Championship – Kris Wolf (67 days)
- Goddesses of Stardom Championship – Hiroyo Matsumoto and Jungle Kyona (57 days)
- Artist of Stardom Championship – HZK, Io Shirai, and AZM (16 days)
Recent Results:
Stardom Cinderella Tournament on April 30th, 2017
Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
1,105 fans
- 4 Way Dark Match: Hanan defeated AZM, Kaori Yoneyama, and (L) Ruaka with a Small Package (6:35)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: HZK defeated Jungle Kyona with the Bombs Away (5:41)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Jessicka Havok defeated Natsuko Tora with the Tombstone Piledriver (3:35)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Tessa Blanchard defeated Kris Wolf with the Diving Codebreaker (2:24)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Kagetsu defeated Konami with a Schoolboy (4:36)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Mayu Iwatani defeated Hetzza with the Frog Splash (2:08)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Toni Storm defeated Rebel with the Gedo Clutch (4:38)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Kairi Hojo defeated Hiromi Mimura with the Diving Elbow Drop (7:21)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 1: Io Shirai defeated Hana Kimura with the Moonsault (6:24)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 2: Toni Storm defeated Tessa Blanchard with the Drill-A-Hole Piledriver (3:01)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 2: Kairi Hojo vs. HZK – DRAW (10:00)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 2: Mayu Iwatani defeated Kagetsu via Over The Top Rope Elimination (4:48)
- Cinderella Tournament Round 2: Jessicka Havok vs. Io Shirai – DRAW via Double Over The Top Rope Elimination (4:41)
- Cinderella Tournament Finals: Toni Storm defeated Mayu Iwatani with the Diving Guillotine Drop (13:01)
- Toni Storm used her “wish” to challenge Io Shirai for the World of Stardom Championship
- Mayu Iwatani challenged Kairi Hojo for the Wonder of Stardom Championship
Rossy Ogawa 60th Birthday Celebration on May 1st, 2017
Still awaiting more details
- Io Shirai, HZK, and Hiromi Mimura vs. Kairi Hojo, Jungle Kyona, and Mayu Iwatani – DRAW
- El Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr. and Dr. Wagner Jr defeated Double Black Tiger
Upcoming Events:
– cards are subject to change
May 6th, 2017 –
- Artist of Stardom Championship: (c) HZK, AZM, and Io Shirai vs. Konami, Hiromi Mimura, and Kairi Hojo
- Toni Storm and Mayu Iwatani vs. Hana Kimura and TBA
- Jungle Kyona and Natsuko Tora vs. Jessicka Havok and Tessa Blanchard
- Hiroyo Matsumoto and Rebel vs. Kaori Yoneyama and Hetzza
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