MASK: Starlight Kid MyStar Stardom Photobook Review
Starting in late 2018, Stardom began a new photobook series called MyStar with their top wrestlers getting their own smaller photobook all to themselves. Starlight Kid was the second wrestler to be featured in the series, after Mayu Iwatani. MASK: Starlight Kid was released in November 2018.
Full Photobook Details
Title: MASK: Starlight Kid from the Stardom MyStar Series
Release: November 2018
Pages: 30
Cost: ¥2,000 (or $20.00)
Where to Buy: Third Party Vendors
As mentioned above, these are smaller (and cheaper) photobooks than Stardom usually puts out, however that does not mean the quality of the photobook is negatively impacted. Stardom at this point has become almost as good at producing photobooks as they are at producing wrestling shows, and the effort put into this photobook shows this. Even though the photobook features a single wrestler, there are still multiple scenes/scenarios presented that fit the personality of the wrestler so its not just random scenes chosen at the whim of the photographer.
There was some debate online on whether it was “appropriate” for Stardom to release a Starlight Kid photobook as she was likely 17 when the photos were taken, however rest assured that this photobook is in no way risque. All of her poses/outfits are age-appropriate as she either has on her wrestling attire, casual attire, or fancy attire with no bikini or lingerie-type options. Which I was obviously happy about as even though pages can be flipped past, it still may feel like an odd thing to have in your house. As a special bonus, Starlight Kid did have two pictures with her mask off, however she did cover her face with her hand so it still isn’t much better of a look than we have seen with her mask on. Due to the thankful lack of variety, this photobook doesn’t have the diverse spread of the other photobooks released by Stardom and is probably geared more towards hardcore Starlight Kid fans. Here is a sample of photos from the photobook:
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