Ho-Show Tennyo Stardom Photobook Review

Ho-Show Tennyo Photobook - Cover

Producing photobooks in the past was a big part of Stardom’s business model. The Ho-Show Tennyo Photobook was the first photobook for Kairi Hojo that did not also include the rest of the Stardom roster, giving her more of the spotlight. You can read reviews for more magazine and photobooks on the Joshi Photobook Reviews page.

Full Details

Title: Ho-Show Tennyo Photobook
Release: 2013
Size: A4
Original Cost: ¥2,500
Where to Buy: Third Party Vendors (Buyee, eBay, etc.)

Before Kairi Hojo was an international superstar, she was slowly working her way up the Stardom ranks mostly in the tag team division. After spending much of 2012 pulling rookie duties, in 2013 she found her first title success teaming with Natsumi Showzuki as the team known as Ho-Show Tennyo. The success would be short-lived however as Natsumi left wrestling in May of 2013, cutting their title reign incredibly short. While Natsumi’s career was over soon after it started, Kairi would go on to became a superstar in Stardom before wrestling in WWE for three years to gain fans around the globe.

Even though this was not Kairi’s first appearance in a photobook, it was her first being one of the featured wrestlers. In traditional Stardom fashion, the photobook mostly features Kairi and Natsumi in swimwear, but does have some casualwear shots as well. While many of the pictures are of them together, there are also solo shots of both wrestlers in a variety of locations. Kairi would go on to be featured in many Stardom photobooks but it is a more rare look at Natsumi Showzuki, who showed a lot of potential during her short wrestling career. With plenty of length, this photobook is sure to be enjoyed by fans of Kairi Hojo, as long as they don’t mind the general theme of the book. Here is a sample of pictures from the photobook: