Joshi City Website Updates

I will try to do these general updates from time to time, as I realize sometimes I update parts of the site that don’t really appear on the front page. Without further ado:
- Recommended Matches! I have added a handful of Recommended Matches from 2017 since the last general update. Remember that not all the matches I add are MOTYC, I just try to get a variety of quality matches for those that don’t have the time/effort to hunt down what to watch. The following matches were added:
- May 3rd – Misaki Ohata vs. Rina Yamashita in Pro Wrestling WAVE
- May 21st – Misaki Ohata and Ryo Mizunami vs. Yuki Miyazaki and Yumi Ohka in Pro Wrestling WAVE
- May 28th – Hikaru Shida vs. Kaho Kobayashi in OZ Academy
- June 2nd – Command Bolshoi and Leon vs. Manami Katsu and Tam Nakano in JWP
- June 14th – Meiko Satomura and Mika Shirahime vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto and Konami in Fortune Dream
- July 15th – Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Chihiro Hashimoto in Sendai Girls’
- July 16th – Mayu Iwatani vs. Yoko Bito in Stardom (Samurai TV Version)
- The Next 10 Days. As those that follow me on Twitter know, today was my last day at my current job, and I start my new job on August 21st. Since reviews have slacked a bit as I have not been able to watch Joshi at work lately, over the next 10 days I will be reviewing a different event each day from a different promotion. Note that for most of these events, I will add my favorite match to the Recommended Matches page as I review the shows. Here is the planned schedule (subject to change):
- August 11th – Marvelous on 8/8/17
- August 12th – CRYSIS Produce on 7/23/17
- August 13th – GAEA Japan on 9/23/95
- August 14th – TJP on 7/30/17
- August 15th – Pro Wrestling WAVE on 7/17/17
- August 16th – SEAdLINNNG on 7/14/17
- August 17th – OZ Academy on 8/6/17
- August 18th – T1 GP on 8/23/05
- August 19th – Stardom on 8/13/17
- August 20th – Pure Dream on 7/23/17
- Stardom Cards Contest! Tomorrow I will have a special contest, giving away a pack of Stardom cards and some Stardom autographs. You’ll have to work for it a bit, but I do that to make sure people entering actually want the cards and aren’t just after free stuff no matter what it is. So stay tuned for that! Below are the cards I will be giving away, each will go to a different winner so there will be plenty of chances for everyone to take home a prize. I’ll have the contest announced Friday night (you’ll have until Sunday to enter), but all these cards will be available:
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