Stardom Guide Book #100 Review
|Full Details
Title: Stardom Guide Book #100
Release: October 2017
Pages: 52
Cost: $20.00 + Shipping
Where to Buy: Stardom Online Shop
The Stardom Guide Books are broken up into different sections, the 100th Edition features the following:
- Current Champions
- Goddesses of Stardom Tag League Preview
- Profiles for the top Stardom wrestlers (two pages per wrestler)
- Profiles for Invading Gaijin (for the Goddesses of Stardom Tag League Tour)
- Smaller profiles for the younger Stardom wrestlers
- Special “Stardom Photo Album” section with modeling pictures of Stardom wrestlers
Even though the guide books are designed with their local fans in mind, it has a lot of great pictures of the Stardom wrestlers so even those that don’t understand Japanese will get their money’s worth. Here is a preview of some of the pictures:
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