Joshi News: The Debut of SEAdLINNNG!
|In the late winter/early spring of 2015, there were a lot of both behind the scenes and in front of the camera changes happening in Stardom. While the behind the scenes issues will never be fully known, there was a clear disconnect between the ‘old guard’ of Stardom and the newer wrestlers in regards to training and other aspects of professional wrestling. These issues may have remained behind the scenes if not for the incident with Yoshiko and Act Yasukawa in the ring on February 22nd. After that the dominoes started to quickly fall, and ended with Nanae Takahashi leaving the promotion.
As tends to happen when a major star leaves a promotion, Nanae Takahashi has announced she will be starting her own promotion called SEAdLINNNG. Currently it is not known for certain if this will be just occasionally produced events or a full fledged promotion, however the first event was announced for August 26, 2015:
Wrestlers have not been announced, however we do know that Natsuki Taiyo has joined Takahashi as the Managing Director. While it is unknown if this will lead to an in-ring return, we can’t rule that out as happening down the road. Takahashi wants to bring a more old-school feel to the promotion, so I am sure there will be a number of older Freelancers on the first event to kick things off. As we get closer to the date of the show, I will continue to post updates as another new Joshi promotion is born.
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