Pro Wrestling WAVE “Catch The WAVE” 2018 on 3/11/18 Review
Catch The WAVE 2018 Tournament
March 11th, 2018 to May 4th, 2018
The Catch the WAVE Tournament this year, as it is more of the time, follows a round robin format with two blocks composing of six wrestlers in a block. Each wrestler will wrestle all of the other wrestlers in their block, with the winners of each block meeting on May 4th to crown the tournament winner. The winner of the tournament will get to challenge Misaki Ohata for the Regina Di WAVE Championship (unless Misaki Ohata wins, in which case someone else will be chosen to challenger her). The tournament follows the normal points formula (two points for winning, one point for a Draw) and each match has a 15 minute time limit. The wrestlers in the tournament are:
Crazy Block:
- ASUKA (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 19 years old, two year veteran. A rising star in the promotion, she is the first transgender Joshi wrestler.
- Miyuki Takase (Actwres girl’z) – Age unknown, one year veteran. Regular participant in WAVE, also wrestles in PURE-J and her home promotion Actwres girl’Z.
- Nagisa Nozaki (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 27 years old, 11 year veteran. Took layoff from 2013 to 2017. Current WAVE Tag Team Champion.
- Rina Yamashita (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 29 years old, 4 year veteran. Former Regina di WAVE Champion and the winner of the Catch The WAVE 2017 Tournament.
- Ryo Mizunami (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 29 years old, 13 year veteran. Former Regina di WAVE Champion and the winner of the Catch The WAVE 2016 Tournament.
- Yumi Ohka (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 38 years old, 16 year veteran. Former Regina di WAVE Champion and the winner of the Catch The WAVE 2015 Tournament.
Violence Block:
- Arisa Nakajima (SEAdLINagisaG) – 28 years old, 12 year veteran. Former Ace of JWP with 13 title reigns in her career, one of the top Joshi wrestlers in Japan.
- Ayako Hamada (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 37 years old, 19 year veteran. With over 20 title reigns, the most accomplished wrestler in the tournament.
- Hikaru Shida (Freelancer) – 29 years old, 9 year veteran. Top Joshi Freelancer with 14 title reigns, winner of the Catch The WAVE 2014 Tournament.
- Hiroe Nagahama (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 22 years old, three year veteran. Promising young wrestler in WAVE, former WAVE Tag Team Champion.
- Mio Momono (Marvelous) – 19 years old, two year veteran. Talented young wrestler from Marvelous, also wrestles in WAVE, Sendai Girls’, and SEAdLINagisaG.
- Misaki Ohata (Pro Wrestling WAVE) – 29 years old, 11 year veteran. Current Regina di WAVE Champion and the winner of the Catch The WAVE 2013 Tournament.
Let’s get started!

Date: March 11th, 2018
Location: Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance: 628
It is time for the opening night of the Catch The WAVE 2018 Tournament! The first night has all all 12 wrestlers participating, here are the matches:
- Miyuki Takase vs. Yumi Ohka
- Hikaru Shida vs. Mio Momono
- ASUKA vs. Rina Yamashita
- Arisa Nakajima vs. Ayako Hamada
- Ryo Mizunami vs. Nagisa Nozaki
- Hiroe Nagahama vs. Misaki Ohata
All wrestlers in the tournament have profiles on Joshi City, you can click on their name to go straight to it. As this event was uploaded to the WAVE Network, all matches will be shown in full.

Miyuki Takase vs. Yumi Ohka

This match was basically what it needed to be. Yumi Ohka mostly just throws boots, which she threw plenty of here, and Miyuki isn’t really good enough yet to get Yumi to do anything outside of her box. Miyuki going for flash pins was the way to go, and really in a tournament setting anything can happen. Perfectly watchable but not overly exciting.

Hikaru Shida vs. Mio Momono

Simple but fun. Mio is a bundle of energy but remains pretty smooth in the process so its not pure chaos, and Hikaru Shida is good at playing the solid base. Mio won the only way she was going to, with a flash pin, as Hikaru just has too much offense for Mio to withstand under normal circumstances. Nothing memorable but an enjoyable casual watch. Mildly Recommended

ASUKA vs. Rina Yamashita

For a midcard tournament match, this was pretty damn entertaining. ASUKA improves each time I see her as she has added a few new moves to her repertoire and Rina is always improving as well. With a good combination of hard strikes and flashiness, it stayed entertaining and they didn’t waste any time from bell to bell. These two should make WAVE worth watching for years to come, a really good match that is worth seeking out. Recommended

Arisa Nakajima vs. Ayako Hamada

This was good but oddly structured, with the 15 minute time limit probably playing a factor. There wasn’t really a “middle” portion of the match as it went pretty quickly from opening-style action to big bombs and nearfalls with not enough padding between. But I can’t fault either one of them for lack of energy or urgency, they were on point but didn’t go into excess. Sometime in this match, Arisa got a concussion but nothing was too out of the ordinary so I’m not sure when it happened. A very solid effort, they just felt a bit restricted by the time limit from doing the type of match that they wanted to. Mildly Recommended

Ryo Mizunami vs. Nagisa Nozaki

It is interesting that WAVE is pushing Nagisa so hard, as while she brings something different to the table, she isn’t as skilled as most of the wrestlers in the promotion. Even before her long layoff she wasn’t a high end wrestler, and since returning she still has a ways to go to reach the tier that WAVE seems to want her to be. The match wasn’t bad but it wasn’t good either with a couple miscommunications, lots of repeated spots, and a sudden ending. Ryo is good but needs the right opponent to really bring the best out of her, and she has little chemistry with Nagisa. I like what they are trying to do with Nagisa, I just hope it connects at some point as the quality of her matches is generally average.

Hiroe Nagahama vs. Misaki Ohata
Main event time! Hiroe dropkicks Misaki from behind and keeps up the attack, but Misaki avoids her crossbody out of the corner. Misaki goes for a low crossbody of her own but Hiroe moves, leading Misaki to crash hard into the turnbuckles. Suplex by Hiroe, she goes off the ropes but Misaki blocks her hurricanrana attempt and applies a crab hold. Hiroe gets into the ropes for the break, Misaki slams Hiroe’s face into the mat before giving her a curb stomp. Two more curb stomps by Misaki and she applies a chinlock before hitting a final curb stomp onto Misaki. Scoop slams by Misaki, she drapes Hiroe over the second rope and jumps down onto Hiroe’s head before covering her for two. Chinlock by Misaki, she lets go after a moment and goes for a suplex, but Hiroe blocks it. Irish whip by Misaki but Hiroe blocks it and rolls Misaki to the mat before hitting a dropkick. Crossbody out of the corner by Hiroe but Misaki blocks her suplex attempt and hits a DDT. Misaki goes off the ropes and Hiroe goes for a Northern Lights Suplex, but she can’t keep the hold applied due to an injured back. Misaki stomps on Hiroe and goes up top, Hiroe joins her but Misaki slides back down and goes for a powerbomb. Hiroe blocks that and hits a modified Codebreaker, she goes up top and delivers a missile dropkick. She goes up top again and hits another missile dropkick, a third missile dropkick is next followed by a fourth before Hiroe covers Misaki for two.
Northern Lights Suplex Hold by Hiroe, but that gets a two count as well. Hiroe picks up Misaki but Misaki gets away and snaps Hiroe over her knee, low crossbody by Misaki and she goes up top, hitting a missile dropkick. Three more missile dropkicks by Misaki, she positions Hiroe and goes up top again, this time hitting a diving bodypress for a two count. Misaki picks up Hiroe but Hiroe blocks the suplex attempt so Misaki drops Hiroe face-first into the mat instead and applies an inverted crab hold. Hiroe gets to the ropes to break the hold, Misaki stomps on Hiroe’s back but Hiroe gets up and elbows Misaki. They trade elbows until Hiroe goes for a few quick pins, none of which have any luck. Misaki goes off the ropes but Hiroe hits a spear, cradle by Hiroe but Misaki reverses it into her own two count. Spinning backfist by Misaki and she delivers a German suplex hold, she quickly picks up Hiroe and nails the Fisherman Buster, but Hiroe kicks out at two. Misaki goes for the Blue Sky Suplex Hold but Hiroe blocks it, sliding kick by Misaki and she covers Hiroe for a two count. Hiroe blocks the Blue Sky Suplex Hold again, she floats over Misaki and covers her with a jackknife hold for the three count! Hiroe Nagahama wins the match and gets two points in the tournament.
I wouldn’t call this a fantastic must-see match but it told its story well and I like both wrestlers a lot. One of the benefits of WAVE vs. WAVE matches is they have such solid chemistry – they know each other’s moves well and how to reverse them smoothly so everything looks tight. They had a lot of repeated moves here, which as a viewer is a bit dull even if there was a reason for it as they tried to one-up each other. Good enough, although it didn’t feel worthy of the main event slot and it wasn’t as good as the ASUKA/Rina Yamashita match. Mildly Recommended
Final Thoughts:
A solid way to start off the tournament. Just about everything was good, and Asuka/Yamashita in particular is worth tracking down. The tournament setting makes it hard to have “MOTYC” style matches since its all about the journey to get to the finals, but they worked well within those restrictions. The tournament is chock-full of quality wrestlers, I imagine as the tournament goes on they will continue to deliver.
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