Birth: July 28th, 1963
Height: 5’7″
Weight: 170 lbs.
Background: Trained in AJW
Debut: May 10th, 1980
Retired: April 3rd, 2005
Other Identities: Lioness Aska, Tomoko Kitamura

Championships Held: AJW Championship, AJW Jr. Championship, All Pacific Championship, NWA Women’s Pacific and NEO Championship, Queen of ARSION Championship, TWF World Women’s Championship, Twin Stars of ARSION Championship, WWWA Tag Team Championship, WWWA World Championship, and the AAAW Tag Team Championship
Tournaments Won: AJW Grand Prix (1985)
Awards Won: Tokyo Sports “Women’s Award” (1997 and 1999) and the Wrestling Observer Hall of Fame (1999)

Notable Matches:

  • August 25th, 1984 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Jumbo Hori and Yukari Omori
  • February 25th, 1985 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto and Crane Yu
  • May 16th, 1985 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto and Bull Nakano
  • August 22nd, 1985 vs. Jaguar Yokota
  • August 28th, 1985 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Dump Matsumoto and Bull Nakano
  • May 6th, 1989 vs. Madusa Miceli
  • March 26th, 1995 vs. Yumiko Hotta
  • October 22nd, 1997 vs. Jaguar Yokota
  • May 6th, 1998 vs. Kyoko Inoue
  • April 4th, 1999 vs. Chigusa Nagayo
  • August 22nd, 1999 vs. Kyoko Inoue
  • April 30th, 2004 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Chikayo Nagashima and Sugar Sato
  • April 3rd, 2005 with Chigusa Nagayo vs. Chikayo Nagashima and Sugar Sato

Signature Moves:

  • Fisherman Driver
  • Fisherman Suplex
  • K Driller
  • LSD II
  • Towerhacker Bomb

In Action:

asukatowerbomb asukalsd lionesspiledriver

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