Jd’ Stir The Blood 1997 on 10/22/97 Review
Date: October 22nd, 1997
Location: Tokyo Korakuen Hall in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance: Unknown
A few months ago I purchased tons of older Joshi events so I could catch up on all I missed as I didn’t start following Joshi until 2014. As I watch them, I figured I may as well review the events as well so others can join me in my walk through the past. This was a big show for the now defunct promotion Jd’ (or JDStar) that ran from 1996 to 2007. Jd’ was run and owned by Jaguar Yokota, the former AJW superstar that came out of retirement to form the promotion. Their events didn’t often appear in full form, as this is a television airing that clipped many of the matches. But the main event was shown in full, as Jaguar Yokota and Lioness Asuka battle for the TWF World Women’s Championship! Here is the full card:
- Alda Moreno vs. Yuki Lee
- Ryuna and Fang Suzuki vs. Yuko Kosugi and Kazuko Fujiwara
- Jd’ Junior Championship: Megumi Yabushita vs. The Bloody
- Cooga and Leoga vs. Esther Moreno and Sachie Abe
- Kyoko Inoue and Sumie Sakai vs. Michiko Omukai and Chikako Shiratori
- TWF World Women’s Championship: Lioness Asuka vs. Jaguar Yokota
As I mentioned, a lot of these matches are clipped, and I don’t have match times for many of these matches so I won’t know how much they are clipped. But we are going to watch it all anyway.

Alda Moreno vs. Yuki Lee
Finding backstories on some of these early matches is between impossible and almost impossible, but I will do the best I can. Alda Moreno was a luchadora with a storied history in AAA, wrestling with her sisters until she was forced into early retirement due to recurring knee problems. Yuki Lee was low enough on the totem pole that she doesn’t even have a page on Japan’s wikipedia,

This match was joined in progress, as Moreno knocks Lee out of the ring to the floor. Moreno charges the ropes and sails out onto Lee with a Tope con Giro, as they return to the ring she goes for a crossbody but Lee catches her and hits a fallaway slam. Yuki chops Moreno repeatedly before hitting a powerslam, covering Moreno for two. Lee puts Moreno on the top turnbuckle and hits an avalanche powerslam, picking up another two count.Lee picks up Moreno, Moreno gets away but Lee levels her with a superkick. Lee charges Moreno but Moreno kicks her way and hits a Tope con Giro off the top turnbuckle. Diving heel kick by Moreno and she applies Casita for a two count. Lee grabs Moreno and hits a leg trap German suplex for two, she waits for Moreno to get up and kicks her repeatedly. Piledriver by Lee, but Moreno barely kicks out of the pin. Lee puts Moreno on the top turnbuckle and she delivers an avalanche fallaway slam, and she gets the three count pinfall! Lee wins the match.
For an opener they had no issues flying around and doing high spots, which will probably continue for the entire card. I am surprised that Lee didn’t ‘make it’ so to speak, she had some really good moves and I loved all her fallaway slams, quite impressive. Moreno looked fine too, and for a clipped up opener I have no complaints.

Ryuna and Fang Suzuki vs. Yuko Kosugi and Kazuko Fujiwara
If none of these names look familar, that’s ok, they weren’t familar to me either at first glance. Ryuna is Yuki Morimatsu, aka Drake Morimatsu, and she is still active in GUTS World to this day. Fang Suzuki wrestled for various small promotions in her career, she officially retired on December 31st, 2005 but has wrestled at least two times since then as wrestlers never truly retire. On the other side, Kosugi had a pretty short career spanning 1996 to 2000, however she did win a handful of titles including the TWF Tag Team Championship in Jd’. Finally, Fujiwara is current Joshi star KAZUKI wrestling under her real name, this was just a few months after she debuted so she was still a baby (21 years old). At the time of the

The intro I just typed may be longer than the match, as it is joined in progress with Kosugi being double teamed by Ryuna and Suzuki. Suzuki body blocks Kosugi into the corner twice, she gets a chain and wraps her around her fist before hitting Kosugi repeatedly in the head with it. Ryuna comes in with a chair but accidentally hits Suzuki in the head with it, giving Kosugi time to tag in Fujiwara. Back bodydrops by Fujiwara to Suzuki, but Suzuki bridges out of the pin. Suzuki slams Fujiwara and tags in Ryuna, and Ryuna promptly takes Fujiwara out of the ring as all four wrestlers brawl on the floor. Ryuna gets the better of both Kosugi and Fujiwara, Suzuki gets a chair and hits Kosugi in the head with it. Kosugi is bleeding and looks like she has been for awhile as Ryuna and Fujiwara return to the ring, diving crossbody by Fujiwara but it gets a two count. Bubba Bomb by Ryuna to Fujiwara and she hits a lariat, another lariat by Ryuna and she covers Fujiwara for two. Ryuna gets a chair and hits Fujiwara in the head with it, fireman’s carry slam by Ryuna and she picks up the three count! Ryuna and Suzuki are the winners.
Ryuna and Suzuki sure are mean, just terrorizing Kosugi throughout the match as she bled all over the place. Like the last match, I was surprised by how fast this card ramped up, I am used to wrestling promotions now starting slow and reaching a climax but apparently Jd’ did not believe in that philosophy. While it was fun to see baby KAZUKI, she didn’t do a whole lot here as most of what they showed was Kosugi being attacked with weapons. Certainly fun to watch but still too clipped to get overly excited about.

(c) Megumi Yabushita vs. The Bloody
This match is for the Jd’ Junior Championship. Yabushita was the first ever Jd’ Jr. Champion, as she won the title on September 7th against Sumie Sakai. Yabushita was a legitimate MMA fighter and held a record of 19-17, with most of those losses coming later in her career. She started wrestling in early 1997 and was immediately given a decent place in the promotion due to her Judo history, she still wrestles to this day in Diana (as of this review on June 29th, 2016, she already has almost 20 matches so far this year so she is quite active). The Bloody debuted in AJW in 1994 but joined Jd’ in 1996, first wrestling as Bloody Phoenix before shortening it to just The Bloody. She retired on December 31st, 2005 in the same match that Fang Suzuki retired in.
Yabushita’s knee is heavily bandaged coming into the match, which will be Bloody’s main focus in the match. Yabushita quickly goes for a short armbar, but Bloody gets to the ropes and immediately starts attacking Yabushita’s knee with stomps and a dropkick. Yabushita rolls out of the ring but Bloody goes out after her and hits Yabushita’s leg with a chair. They return to the ring after a moment and Bloody hits a backdrop suplex, she goes up top twice and hits two consecutive reverse splashes for a two count. Bloody gets a chair again and slams Yabushita onto it, she goes for another reverse splash but this time Yabushita moves. Yabushita goes for a cross armbreaker but Bloody lands on the ropes, she tries again but Bloody blocks it. Bloody goes up top and hits a diving senton, and she covers Yabushita for two. Kneelock by Bloody, Yabushita is in a lot of pain as Yabushita’s friends run into the ring to break up the submission. The referee tries to clear the ring as Bloody gets the chair, and she throws it at Yabushita’s leg. Bloody re-applies the kneelock but Yabushita manages to get to the ropes, she rolls out of the ring clutching her knee and the referee goes out to check on her. The referee determines she can not continue, and calls for the bell! Since the referee stopped the match and it wasn’t a count out, The Bloody is your new champion!
Two things real quick – first, this match was shown in full, it was just a really short match. Also, you may be picturing The Bloody as a heel with face paint or weapons or something but actually she is a very attractive woman that happens to have a name that implies otherwise. I think Yabushita had a legit leg issue since her knee had a brace on it, so this may have been an easy way to get the title off of her while she healed up as it was a quick match. Yabushita’s seconds acting like Yabushita was in serious pain helped the realism factor, and I liked that Yabushita kept going for quick submissions to sneak in a win since she knew she wasn’t 100%. Quite enjoyable for a five minute match, The Bloody can really move and they laid the match out well all things considered. Mildly Recommended

Cooga and Leoga vs. Esther Moreno and Sachie Abe
This match is part of the tournament to crown the first ever TWF World Tag Team Champions. I don’t have the full brackets for the tournament, so just trust me on this one. Cooga started her career wrestling in AJW as Miori Kamiya, she retired from AJW in 1992 before appearing in 1996 under the mask and with a new name. Leoga’s real name is Miyuki Sokabe, she had a very short career spanning only two years. The other team has Esther Moreno, the sister of Alda Moreno from the earlier match, and a young Sachie Abe. Abe debuted in Jd’ in 1996 and officially retired in 2014 from JWP so she had a pretty nice career. Abe is probably the best known wrestler of this bunch but at this stage of her career was still learning the ropes at the young age of 23.
We join this one in progress as Moreno hits a hurricanrana on Cooga for a two count, another quick pin by Moreno but that gets a two as well. Cooga has enough and hits a German suplex, she goes for a cannonball off the top turnbuckle but Moreno moves and she hits Leoga by accident. Abe comes in, Abe and Moreno go to different corners and both hit diving splashes. They go up top and hit splashes again, cover by Moreno but it gets a two count. Abe stays in but Cooga hits a crossbody on both of them and she makes the hot tag to Leoga. Leoga gets on the second turnbuckle but Moreno jumps up an hits a Frankensteiner to the mat. Abe is still hanging around, she goes up top as Moreno does as well and both hit a diving splash onto Leoga for two. Abe comes in but Leoga gets away from her, Northern Lights Suplex by Leoga to Abe but Abe kicks out. Bridging backdrop suplex by Abe, but that gets a two count as well. Cooga comes in and they double team Abe, as Leoga hits a somersault guillotine legdrop off the top. Leoga tags Cooga and Cooga hits a handstand kick in the corner. Moreno runs in and hits a crossbody on Cooga, Cooga still tries to suplex Leoga but Leoga reverses it. Cooga kicks both Abe and Moreno out of the ring, Leoga goes up top and hits a plancha down onto both of her opponents. Abe and Cooga return and Cooga hits a Tiger Driver, but Moreno breaks up the cover. Cooga puts Abe on her shoulders, Leoga goes up top and they hit an avalanche face crusher. Cooga goes up top and dives on top of Abe, she goes up top again and hits a diving knee strike for the three count cover! Cooga and Leoga are your winners.
Aside from the end of the match being a bit botched looking, overall I enjoyed it. Lots of high flying and dives, maybe an excessive amount but I can’t complain about a midcard match that is exciting. Both masked wrestlers delivered, neither had any notable success in Joshi but they were clearly well trained and knew what they were doing. Moreno was virtually flawless in what they showed us, and Abe looked solid as well. I don’t know how much was clipped since we almost immediately had a nearfall as soon as we joined the action, but overall I thought it was a pretty fun match. Mildly Recommended

Kyoko Inoue and Sumie Sakai vs. Michiko Omukai and Chikako Shiratori
This match is part of the tournament to crown the first ever TWF World Tag Team Champions. At the time of this match, Inoue way outclassed everyone else here. Officially a Freelancer, Inoue was a 2 time WWWA World Champion, 3 time All Pacific Champion, 2 time IWA World Champion, and 3 time WWWA Tag Team Champion. So she was a superstar and one of the best wrestlers on the scene at the time. Sakai was a rookie, having just debuted in April of 1997 (she still sometimes wrestles), so she was the clear weak link of their team. For the other team, Omukai and Shiratori were both idols, meaning wrestlers known as much for their looks as their wrestling ability, and they were no match for Inoue. They weren’t bad wrestlers, Omukai was a former Japanese Tag Team Champion in AJW, but that was it as far as their collective accomplishments. To win this match, Omukai and Shiratori would have to isolate Sakai and try to keep Inoue out on the apron as neither were going to be able to pin the multi-time champion.
We join the match as Inoue stretches Shiratori in the ring before tagging in Sakai. Dropkick by Sakai and she applies a cross armbreaker, but Shiratori gets a foot on the ropes to force a break. Judo throws by Sakai and she goes back to the arm, but Omukai breaks it up. Double underhook suplex by Sakai but Shiratori bridges up, only to get hit by rolling backdrop suplexes. Dropkick by Shiratori, she goes up top and she hits a missile dropkick. She goes up top again and hits another missile dropkick, cover on Sakai but it gets two. Shiratori puts Sakai on the top turnbuckle and hits a DDT down to the mat, but Inoue breaks up the cover. Inoue lariats Shiratori, which gives Sakai time to crawl to the corner to tag her in. Shiratori tags in Omukai, Inoue immediately kicks Omukai but Omukai applies a backslide. Shiratori comes in but Inoue lariats both of them, Sakai comes in and they both dropkick Omukai. Inoue goes up top but Shiratori grabs her which gives Omukai time to recover and hit a superplex. She goes up top again but Inoue whacks her, Shiratori comes in too and Omukai hits a diving knee. Omukai goes up top yet again and hits another diving knee, she then goes a fourth time and hits another one for a two count cover. Inoue avoids it when she tries again and hits a German suplex, tiger suplex by Omukai and she tags in Shiratori. Shiratori goes for a suplex but Inoue blocks it, Omukai returns and they both knock Inoue out of the ring. Sakai tumbles out too, Shiratori goes out top and dives down onto Inoue and Sakai. Omukai then does the same, they return to the ring and Shiratori hits a dropkick while Inoue is on Omukai’s shoulders. Shiratori grabs Inoue and delivers the cross-arms suplex, but Inoue barely gets the shoulder up. Inoue clubs Shiratori but Shiratori sneaks in La Magistral for a two count. Irish whip by Shiratori but Inoue rocks her with a lariat, Niagara Driver by Inoue and she picks up the three count! Inoue and Sakai are the winners of the match.
I was enjoying this match until the sudden ending. I knew the end result but Inoue just shrugged off a few big moves and nearfalls before easily hitting two big moves to get the convincing win. I would have liked a slightly longer ending stretch, giving Inoue a proper amount of time to recover before finishing off Shiratori. Lots of flying around and I was surprised how much offense that young Sakai got, but overall not a great match mostly due to how it was structured.

(c) Lioness Asuka vs. Jaguar Yokota
This match is for the TWF World Women’s Championship. Lioness Asuka won the title from Laura Gonzales in September of 1996, and had held the title for over a year leading into this match. For the bulk of the year, these two had been on separate sides of tag teams but it is their first singles match since April 14th, 1996. Both wrestlers were in their mid-30s at the time of the match but as you’ll see in a moment that doesn’t matter to them at all, as they are long time enemies and they always go 100% against each other no matter what. Since Jd’ is Yokota’s promotion, she wants to bring the title back to the good side as Asuka was technically a Freelancer and used weapons, cheats, etc. to win her matches (this is way past her time as a fan favorite when she was part of the Crush Gals). The fans are red hot for this match as it is Yokota’s first big singles match in awhile, and you know that she will deliver as she always does.
I want to apologize in advance, I am not familar enough with Jd’ to know who each wrestler’s “seconds” are that keep getting involved in the match, so I just refer to them as “friends.” Anyway, Yokota is distracted early on by Asuka’s friends at ringside, but she still manages to hit a quick German suplex hold followed by a moonsault for a two count. Asuka retorts by picking up Yokota onto her shoulders and dumps Yokota over the top rope down to the floor. Asuka then hits a top suicida out onto Yokota before suplexing her back into the ring, but Yokota bridges out of the pin and hits a sunset flip. These two are going one hundred as Asuka kicks Yokota in the stomach and in the back before knocking her out of the ring. Their friends brawl with each other while Asuka takes Yokota and throws her into a row of chairs. Asuka hits a backdrop suplex on the floor, Jd’ wrestlers check on Yokota and help her back into the ring where Asuka is waiting with a chair. Asuka sets up the chair, she sits Yokota in it and kicks her in the chest. Piledriver onto the chair by Asuka, and she covers Yokota for two. Asuka knocks Yokota out of the ring again where she is tended to, but she is rolled back in and Asuka kicks her again. Asuka goes up top and hits a moonsault, but Yokota kicks out of the cover. Scoop sit-out slam by Asuka, a table is slid into the ring and Asuka piledrives Yokota through the table. The table breaks, so Asuka takes the jagged part of the table and hits Yokota in the head with it, cutting her open in the process. Irish whip by Asuka and she connects with a high kick, she gets a chain and hits Yokota in the head with it repeatedly.
Asuka goes for a Liger Bomb but Yokota flips over her back and covers Asuka for two. Asuka doesn’t like this and hits Yokota a few more times with the chain, delayed vertical suplex by Asuka but she pulls up Yokota before the cover so she can hit a gutwrench powerbomb. Asuka gets a chair again, Yokota fights back for a moment but Asuka hits a heel kick and throws the chair at Yokota’s head. Asuka goes up top but Yokota hits her from behind with the chair, she then joins Asuka up top and hits an avalanche backdrop suplex for two. Double underhook tombstone piledriver by Yokota, but Asuka gets a shoulder up on the cover. Asuka’s posse tries to help but she hits Asuka by accident, Yokota wraps the chain around her boot and hits a missile dropkick from the second turnbuckle. Asuka falls out of the ring, Yokota gets on the apron and she hits a Tope con Giro to the floor. Yokota goes for a tombstone piledriver but Asuka reverses it and hits a tombstone piledriver of her own on the floor. Asuka then picks up Yokota and plants her hard with a Liger Bomb onto the floor. Yokota is rolled back in the ring, Liger Bomb by Asuka but Yokota barely kicks out. Asuka picks up Yokota and nails the Towerhacker Bomb, but again Yokota gets a shoulder up. Trying to put Yokota away, a table is set up across the second turnbuckle, they get on the table and Asuka suplexes Yokota for another two count. This time, they set up the table all the way on the top turnbuckle, Asuka gets up top as Yokota is fed to her and goes for a super avalanche Liger Bomb, but Yokota reverses it with an Avalanche Frankensteiner and she picks up the three count! Jaguar Yokota is your new champion!
After the match, Yokota asked for Asuka’s hand but Asuka sprayed mist in her face, so the picture above is what she looked like after the match ended. Anyway, this match was literally breath-taking. I don’t normally make audible noises while watching wrestling alone at home but this match got several gasps from me as they were just doing crazy shit. The types of moves you may see maybe once a year they had several of in this one match, and I can’t remember the last time I saw an avalanche Frankensteiner like that. These two were killing each other and it fit well into both of their strengths – Asuka brings the destruction while Yokota is the fierce underdog that takes a beating but finds her spot to come back. No sane person would complain about Asuka losing to a ‘flash’ avalanche Frankensteiner, yes she had done more damage in the match but that was a match-ending move, plus since it was a quick pin it didn’t get Asuka’s friends a chance to react and interfere. Really it only came about due to Asuka’s frustrations, as she kept having to ramp up the violence since Yokota wouldn’t stay down, which led to her going for a ‘final’ move so risky that it was easy for Yokota to reverse. Just an exciting and special match the likes you don’t see these days due to concerns for wrestler’s health, I loved it. Highly Recommended
Final Thoughts
I am going to give this event a recommendation mostly for the main event. It was a match I knew nothing about going in and I was just flabbergasted with what they were doing, it was so vicious and captivating that I wish it never ended. There was other good action on the card as well, as the Jr. Championship match was short but well done and the opener had some fun spots. I wish it wasn’t so clipped up but when six matches are squeezed into a one hour show (the title matches were unclipped), something has to give. Still, nothing was bad on the show and the main event was pretty epic, worth a watch if you can track it down.
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