Height: 5’2″
Weight: 140 lbs.
Background: AJW Dojo
Debut: April 15th, 1995
Other Identities: None
Championships Held: AAAW Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship, OZ Academy Tag Team Championship, OZ Academy Openweight Championship
Tournaments Won: High Spurt 600 Tournament (1997, 1999)
Awards Won: None
Notable Matches:
- May 12th, 1996 vs. Meiko Satomura
- November 2nd, 1996 with Satomura vs. Nagashima and Sato
- April 7th, 1997 vs. Toshie Uematsu
- August 22nd, 2010 with Nagashima vs. AKINO and YuYu
- January 15th, 2012 with Kong vs. Amano and Toyota
Signature Moves:
- Diving Guillotine Drop
- Dragon Suplex Hold
- Kamikaze Bomb
- Rolling Senton
In Action:
Coming Soon
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